Educational problems have affected the entire student population at all levels, a situation which has been exacerbated by the lack of clear government policies to solve these problems. These problems include poor school performance, lack of areas to allow the Level of the students in their education, modification of education, and other. One problem is the lack of independent research areas such as you visited. For that reason in this research will try to explain why it is necessary and in turn chose the area of English of the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto Pedagógico de Maturin. In the beginning, the special field did not have a place where English students consult the books, as well as bibliographical material, for this reason it begins a project, to perform a reading room for students to meet their academic needs.
Reading is very important in the process of development and maturation of children. In recent years, is noticing a growing interest of parents reading their children, perhaps because they know-they say so from the media, the relationship between reading and academic performance.
From these pages, I would like to make them aware that the learning potential of reading goes beyond success in school, reading provides culture, develop an aesthetic sense, acts on the formation of personality, and is a source of recreation and enjoyment.
Reading is a vehicle for learning, development of intelligence for the acquisition of culture and education of the will.
We will make a list, do not pretend to be exhaustive, of goods that bring the reading activity, and thus help to internalize their importance. I also want to indicate that the personal benefit that each reader gets from reading is varied, since all human activities-to be free, are unrepeatable and personal.
Reading not only provides information (instruction) but is (education), creating habits of reflection, analysis, effort, concentration ... and recreate, to enjoy, entertains and diverts.
· Reading helps the development and refinement of language. Improves oral and written language does more fluid. Increase vocabulary and improve spelling.
· Reading improves human relationships, enriching personal contacts.
· Reading provides easy to expose one's thinking and allows the ability to think.
· Reading is a great tool for intellectual work and putting into action the mental functions streamline intelligence. So is related to school performance.
· The reading increases the cultural background and provides information, knowledge. When reading is learned.
· Reading expands the horizons of the individual by enabling contact with places, people and customs far from it in time or space.
· Reading stimulates and satisfies the intellectual and scientific curiosity.
· Reading drives hobbies and interests.
· Reading promotes the development of moral virtues as long as the books are selected properly. The readings propose models to admire and imitate, and, while living models (parents, teachers, etc.)